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National Research University Higher School of Economics. Cognitive Sciences. I'm Suraksha, a student of HSE Research Master's program in Cognitive Sciences. I have a wide background in medical sciences, Biology, and English. I graduated in majors Psychology from LPU, India being the top 5 percentile of the batch. I'm passionate about teaching and learning and my curiosity for learning makes me to dwell in to the field. Being a research student, I am very frequent in learning new things and implementing them. This has helped me to upgrade myself along with helping people around me. I hope my journey for learning and teaching continues.
Анатомия, Английский язык, Биология, Гендерная психология, Дифференциальная психология, Когнитивная психология, Медицинская психология, Нейропсихология, Общая психология, Патопсихология, Прикладная психология, Психология, Психология восприятия, Психология здоровья, Психология личности, Психология развития, Психология спорта, Психология труда, Психопатология, Психофизиология, Социальная психология, Сравнительная психология, Экономическая психология, Экспериментальная психология, Диагностика психического здоровья показать ещё 15